10. Poison Dart Frogs – Rã de dardo venenoso
Conhecido por sapinhos ponta-de-flexa, são animais de cores vivas, vermelho, azul, verde e amarelo. A cor serve para avisar aos predadores que é um bichinho muito perigoso. Cada sapinho produz toxinas suficientes para matar até 10 pessoas.
09. Cape Buffalo – Búfalo selvagem africano
É um búfalo africano, o maior de todos, tanto no corpo, quanto no chifre. O verdadeiro perigo acontece quando surge uma manada correndo em sua direção.
08. Urso Polar
Parece um ursinho de pelúcia, tão bonitinho, mas estes lindos bichões podem facilmente arrancar a cabeça de uma pessoa. Seriam capazes de comer elefantes.
07. Elefante
Muitos pensam que os elefantes são amigáveis igualmente o personagem dos desenhos animados, Dumbo, mas não bem esta a realidade. Elefantes matam mais de 500 pessoas por ano.
06. Crocodilo Australiano da água salgada
São monstros de até 7 metros de comprimento, extremamente fortes. Na Austrália existem em grandes quantidades nas praias, rios e canais, pois são protegidos por lei. A carne humana não é sua favorita, mas atacam quaisquer coisas que estiver próxima, inclusive tubarões.
05. Leão Africano
Grande felino, perfeito caçador. É apelidado de o “rei dos animais”, pois se encontra no topo absoluto da cadeia alimentar terrestre, entre os animais irracionais, é claro.
04. – Tubarão Branco
Sangue na água por excitar este animal facilmente em busca de alimentação. Mordem qualquer coisa que se mova próximo dele. Chegam a medir 8 metros e pesar quase 2 toneladas. Sua mordida é quase suficiente para engolir um homem em pé.
03. Box Jellyfish – Cubomedusas Australianas
Habita o Norte e Nordeste da Austrália. Um dos mais mortais animais na face da Terra. A toxina presente nos tentáculos que chegam a muitos metros de comprimento é tão forte, que os poucos sobreviventes de um encontro com este animal, descrevem a dor como se fosse um choque elétrico constante. A pessoa normalmente grita de dor e acaba desmaiando. Dependendo da gravidade dos ferimentos, causa parada cardiorrespiratória.
02. Cobra Naja
Conhecida também como cobra asiática. Das 50 mil mortes por ano devido picadas de cobras, a naja é responsável pela grande parte. Não é a mais venenosa, mas é a que mais pica e mata pessoas.
01. Mosquito
É isso mesmo, maior parte dos mosquitos só causam coceiras, mas alguns são capazes de transportar parasitas da malária e da dengue. Estas pragas são responsáveis pela morte de mais de 2 milhões de pessoas por ano.
English version
The 10 most dangerous animals in the world 10. POISON DART FROGS - DART FROG OF POISONOUSKnown for thrush center-arrow, animals are brightly colored, red, blue, green and yellow. The color serves to warn predators that an animal is very dangerous. Each frog produces enough toxin to kill 10 people.
09. CAPE BUFFALO - BUFFALO WILD AFRICAIt is an African buffalo, the largest, both in body and in the horn. The real danger occurs when a herd comes running toward him.
08. POLAR BEARIt looks like a teddy bear, so cute, but these beautiful bichões can easily rip the heads off a person. Would be able to eat elephants.
07th. ELEPHANTMany think that elephants are also friendly cartoon character, Dumbo, but not quite the reality. Elephants kill more than 500 people per year.
06. THE AUSTRALIAN SALTWATER CROCODILEThey are monsters up to 7 feet long, extremely strong. In Australia there in large quantities on beaches, rivers and canals, as they are protected by law. Human flesh is not your favorite, but any attack things that are nearby, including sharks.
05. AFRICAN LIONBig cat, perfect hunter. It is nicknamed the "king of beasts", as it is at the absolute top of the terrestrial food chain, among the lower animals, of course.
04. - WHITE SHARKBlood in the water by this animal excite easily in search of food. Bite anything that moves close to him. Reach measuring eight meters and weigh over 2 tons. His bite is almost enough to swallow a man standing.
03. BOX JELLYFISH - AUSTRALIAN cubozoansIt inhabits the north and northeast of Australia. One of the most lethal animal on earth. The toxin present in the tentacles that reach many meters long is so strong that the few survivors of an encounter with this animal, describe the pain like an electric shock constant. The person usually ends up screaming in pain and fainting. Depending on the severity of injuries, causes cardiac arrest.
02. COBRA COBRAAlso known as the Asiatic cobra. Of the 50,000 deaths per year due bites of snakes, the cobra is responsible for the most part. It is the most venomous, but is the most bites and kills people.
01. MOSQUITOThat's right, most mosquitoes only cause itching, but some are capable of carrying malaria parasites and dengue. These pests are responsible for the deaths of more than 2 million people per year.
09. CAPE BUFFALO - BUFFALO WILD AFRICAIt is an African buffalo, the largest, both in body and in the horn. The real danger occurs when a herd comes running toward him.
08. POLAR BEARIt looks like a teddy bear, so cute, but these beautiful bichões can easily rip the heads off a person. Would be able to eat elephants.
07th. ELEPHANTMany think that elephants are also friendly cartoon character, Dumbo, but not quite the reality. Elephants kill more than 500 people per year.
06. THE AUSTRALIAN SALTWATER CROCODILEThey are monsters up to 7 feet long, extremely strong. In Australia there in large quantities on beaches, rivers and canals, as they are protected by law. Human flesh is not your favorite, but any attack things that are nearby, including sharks.
05. AFRICAN LIONBig cat, perfect hunter. It is nicknamed the "king of beasts", as it is at the absolute top of the terrestrial food chain, among the lower animals, of course.
04. - WHITE SHARKBlood in the water by this animal excite easily in search of food. Bite anything that moves close to him. Reach measuring eight meters and weigh over 2 tons. His bite is almost enough to swallow a man standing.
03. BOX JELLYFISH - AUSTRALIAN cubozoansIt inhabits the north and northeast of Australia. One of the most lethal animal on earth. The toxin present in the tentacles that reach many meters long is so strong that the few survivors of an encounter with this animal, describe the pain like an electric shock constant. The person usually ends up screaming in pain and fainting. Depending on the severity of injuries, causes cardiac arrest.
02. COBRA COBRAAlso known as the Asiatic cobra. Of the 50,000 deaths per year due bites of snakes, the cobra is responsible for the most part. It is the most venomous, but is the most bites and kills people.
01. MOSQUITOThat's right, most mosquitoes only cause itching, but some are capable of carrying malaria parasites and dengue. These pests are responsible for the deaths of more than 2 million people per year.